How we are innovating

Discover our innovation strategy that aims to support our business and our development ambitions

At Crédit Agricole Assurances, our innovation strategy is designed to support our business activities and our development ambitions. Our approach is based on seeking highly practical solutions to the problems our customers and employees face.

Innovation is everyone’s business

And we have set ourselves two targets

Looking at current practices from a different angle. Innovating also means breaking away from traditional models to rethink how we work and function. 

Disruptive innovations. Whether technological or usage-oriented, these innovations have always profoundly transformed our business lines. 

We are focusing on targeted topics that relate to our business activities and our customers’ key concerns: from health, savings management and the connected home, to cybersecurity, mobility and the sharing economy. And we are exploring new technologies such as blockchains and artificial intelligence. 

Purposeful innovation.

To promote the emergence and growth of innovative new projects, our strategy is based on four pillars:

1. Monitoring

    Identifying the main trends that will transform our business lines.

    2. Experimentation

    Testing, trialling and investigating, alone or in partnerships.

    3. Acculturation

    Sharing the fruits of our monitoring to help as many people as possible to understand the transformations affecting our environment.

    4. Open Innovation

    Drawing on the assets of an internal and external ecosystem to accelerate innovation.