Results of the 2015 call for carer project proposals: charities at the heart of social innovation

June 25 2015

The fifth national call for project proposals launched by Crédit Agricole Assurances with carer support charities has set a new record with 24 projects funded. With support from Crédit Agricole’s Regional Banks, nearly 200 projects were received, all focused on enabling the charities to develop, ensuring their sustainability or proposing new actions to benefit carers.

The projects are selected for their genuine long-term impacts for carers, as well as their original and innovative features. For this fifth call for proposals, the charities have demonstrated their capacity for social innovation to help carers by offering new forms of support in terms of respite care, psychological support or simply training, from transposing the Snoezelen method for carer-caree couples to Qi-Gong classes, mobile respite support services and help for young people caring for siblings.

The initiatives chosen following this fifth call for project proposals will receive funding for one to three years, depending on the requirements for support expressed, with an overall budget of €300,000. To date, more than 100 projects have benefited from a combined total of €1.5 million in funding.

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Charities selected and their projects:


ASP Armorique Châteaulin (29)

Training, psychological support and stakeholder coordination to become volunteer palliative carers.



Association Aisne-Jalmalv en Thiérache

Psychological support and discussion group maintained in a rural region for family carers looking after people with Alzheimer’s.



Association Amïris Caussade-Rivière (65)

Organisation of joint carer-caree wellness workshops based on the Snoezelen method (Dutch concept that encourages relaxation, feeling, sleepiness, use of light and touch).



Association Autisme Charente Maritime Saintes (17)

Training session on sexuality and people with autism.



Association France Alzheimer Réunion (97)

Creation of a carers centre to offer a regular venue with psychological support, workshops, training sessions, respite support, etc.


Association française du syndrome d’Angleman (AFSA) Paris (75)

Support for families affected by Angelman syndrome, with the organisation of two summer training camps for one week each, including sessions with Mary-Louise Bertram, an Australian expert in this syndrome.



Association Haut Adour Gérontologie “Solidaire et actif” Bagnères de Bigorre (65)

Organisation of mobile respite support services aiming to welcome 35 to 40 people per week in five different towns and cities.



Autistes sans frontières Saint Vincent du Jard (85)

Opportunities for families of autistic children to get some time off thanks to a system of participatory exchanges between carer families.


CCAS Fouras Fouras (17)

Organisation of an informal discussion group for carers, open to everyone, hosted by a psychologist and a social worker.



CCAS du Lorrain Martinique (97)

Organisation of meetings to share best practices and discover new relaxation techniques and methods between family carers. Every quarter, 50 carers will follow a programme of six training sessions led by a psychologist, a family mediator and a bodymind therapist.



Enfance, adolescence, diabète Midi Pyrénées Toulouse (31)

Training for families of children with Type 1 diabetes to educate and inform them about this disease.


France Alzheimer Le Havre (76)

Organisation of one-hour group Qi-Gong classes twice a week for five weeks for 20 carer-caree couples.



IME Saint André Cernay (68)

Training programme for parents of autistic children housed in educational medical institutes (IME) during the week to help them enjoy a better quality of life with their children when they return home.



Kassiopée Caudan (56)

Opening of a carers centre at a site hosting several charities to encourage continued social links between carers and carees, prevent exhaustion and fatigue, and offer a place where people can be listened to.

Contact: association.kassiopé


L’esperluette Toulouse (31)

Organisation of bimonthly and monthly meetings between carer parents so they can share their experiences and support one another in their role as family carers. Organisation of outings during which children are looked after in order to give their parents time off.



Médecin du Monde Paris (75)

Psychological support and training programme set up to tackle physical and moral exhaustion among volunteers and encourage them to not give up, enabling them to perform their mission more effectively when dealing with seriously ill children.



Œuvre Falret Paris (75)

Training workshops to discuss and improve the position of family carers faced with mental illness, in addition to a wellness workshop (Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong) so that carers can care for themselves again.



Pas à pas avec Alexia Nevez (29)

Organisation of weekends for meetings and respite support for 13 families with children affected by Smith-Magenis syndrome (rare illness with children affected by hyperactivity and sleeping disorders).



Réseau SPES Le Coudray-Monceaux (91)

Organisation of meetings between young family carers aged 8 to 22 to enable them to move beyond the social, cultural and educational discrimination they may face at school and in day-to-day life.



Théâtre de la jeune plume Avoine (37)

Organisation of theatre performances for 200 carer-caree families in nursing homes or day-care centres.


Service de remplacement Languedoc-Roussillon Lattes (34)

Support for carer farmers by offering them a replacement service (500 days per year for the 200 carer farmers identified) with specific skillsets (livestock, crops, wine-growing, etc.).



UNA Pays Alençon Perche Montagne au Perche (61)

Photo exhibition presenting carers held during Alzheimer’s awareness conferences.



Une souris verte Lyon (69)

Support programme for parents whose young children have been diagnosed with disabilities: discussion sessions, information.



Une belle planète Saint Ouen (93)

National deployment of a dedicated online platform for carers to facilitate access to information, preowned medical equipment, various services and self-help with volunteers, calling on an extensive social network geo-located around the care beneficiary.



Map of charities funded since 2011


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PRCAA-Results call for carer 25-06-2015