Predica acquires the Les Vergers de la Plaine” shopping complex in Chambourcy from Sopic”

October 26 2010

Crédit Agricole Assurances subsidiary Predica has acquired the Les Vergers de la Plaine” shopping complex from Sopic Group, a property developer, investor and manager.

Located at the centre of a huge development programme in Chambourcy, to the west of Paris, “Les Vergers de la Plaine” is a shopping complex with a net useable area of 30,000 m2. It already houses numerous chain stores, a supermarket and several boutiques, and is set to grow quickly in the years ahead because of the Grand Paris project to expand and consolidate the capital’s metropolitan area.

Predica was advised in this transaction by Crédit Agricole Immobilier, and Sopic obtained financing for the entire project from the Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne Regional Bank.

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PR Predica-Acquisition of shopping complex les Vergers de la Plaine 26-10-2010