Call for carer projects: Crédit Agricole Assurances funds 21 new associations

July 15 2013

Following its third national call for projects, Crédit Agricole Assurances is announcing that it will be funding 21 new associations with local projects in 2013.

Committed to supporting family or volunteer caregivers since 2010, Crédit Agricole Assurances is today renewing this major commitment alongside French associations that provide help and support for over eight million carers in France. Following a third national call for projects, 21 new association initiatives will be receiving funding.

With help from Crédit Agricole’s Regional Banks, close to 160 association projects were received as part of this third call for projects, looking to enable associations to develop and ensure the sustainability of initiatives or propose new actions for carers. In this way, out of more than 400 applications received, 60 associations have been awarded funding by Crédit Agricole Assurances since 2010, for a combined total of €900,000. These figures confirm the scale of the requirements in this area. They also reflect the drive and dedication of the various associations that are working to enable caregivers to perform their role and provide support for people who have lost their independence (disability, illness, end of life).

The 21 projects have been selected for their real and lasting impacts for carers, as well as their original and innovative features. Based on a total annual budget of €300,000, they will receive funding for between one and three years depending on the requirements for support expressed.

Find out more:

Associations selected in 2013 and their projects:

Agir Pour Les Aidants (A.P.L.A.) Bordeaux

Offering respite weekends for 20 minors who are co-carers for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses, combining relaxation aspects and information exchanges, as well as meetings at home for the 20 primary carers in order to evaluate their day-to-day requirements and difficulties.

Aigue Marine Cie Charenton-le-Pont

Making a film that looks at maintaining social ties for carers. Highlighting initiatives involving various stakeholders that offer a warm welcome and encourage families to get involved in community initiatives, in addition to ensuring their integration despite their differences.

Association nationale pour la Prévention des Handicaps et pour l’Information Paris

Ensuring the sustainability of “La Parole aux aidants”, a radio show broadcast every Friday on Vivre FM 93.9 in the Paris region and online, enabling carers to express how they feel about their difficulties and successes, in addition to benefiting from advice from a psychologist.

Association des Familles de Traumatisés crâniens et cérébro lésés de Franche Comté Besançon

Creating a library with 10 booklets on disorders resulting from brain damage, involving carers in the editorial process through working groups.

Association Française des Polyarthritiques et des rhumatismes inflammatoires chroniques Paris

Conducting a national carers survey, producing a guide on the carer-caree relationship, fact sheets, online training videos and creation of a forum for exchanges between carers looking after family members and friends with polyarthritic diseases.

Association des Paralysés de France Belfort

Offering training for six people to run a “sharing cafe” for parents of children with motor disabilities.

Association des Paralysés de France Villeurbanne

Developing a service to offer home respite care for a few hours thanks to the creation of a social fund, as well as free training sessions for caregivers.

Association France Alzheimer Dordogne Bergerac

Offering opportunities for respite and sharing around various leisure activities and information exchanges, including dedicated workshops, games, book readings and walks.

Association Kokoro Palaiseau

Offering psychological support for carers through art therapy and creative expression.

Association Martiniquaise des Aidants Familiaux Fort de France

Organising the national family carers day in the French department of Martinique to share information and raise awareness among 300 carers and the general public on the status of caregivers. Setting up workshops to further strengthen skills and knowledge, as well as informal discussion groups, covering Martinique’s four regions.

Centre Social du Canton de Moulins Engilbert Moulins Engilbert

Offering psychological support and information for family carers looking after dependent elderly people.

Centre Social du Ségala Tarnais Valderies

Setting up a network of volunteers to visit isolated carers at home and organising a collective respite event based around practical workshops covering various themes, combined with cultural visits and leisure activities.

Compagnie du Bout du Nez Boudou

Taking action to raise awareness on the non-verbal communication techniques used by “support clowns” to maintain links between friends and family carers and people with Alzheimer’s.

Familles Rurales Pyrénées Atlantiques Pau

Setting up a “carers cafe”, which will open once a month, from September 2013 to December 2014.


Offering training for volunteers on palliative care, with two sessions, each lasting three days, to raise awareness on caring for people who are seriously ill and/or at the ends of their lives.

L’Esperluette Toulouse

Offering a personalised face-to-face and telephone-based welcome, as well as a discussion group for parents of disabled children, a “young people’s cafe” for siblings, informal discussion groups led by a psychologist during activities for children, and support arrangements for family outings, reducing the constraints involved with disabilities.

Pas à Pas avec Alexia Nevez

Offering training on applied behaviour analysis (ABA), making it possible to take action on the behaviour of children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome and make their day-to-day lives easier by minimising their difficulties.

Présence Coeur – ADMR Brignoles

Offering theory-based training by an occupational therapist, demonstrations and practical applications of the exact behaviour to adopt in care beneficiaries’ homes and in their presence.

Réseau Osmose Le Plessis Robinson

Providing individual psychological and educational support for 100 to 200 family carers looking after people with Alzheimer’s or related illnesses.

Siel Bleu Strasbourg

Offering training on adapted physical activities to prevent health issues and ensure well-being for 100 family carers in 10 rural regions.

Trisomie 21 Haute Loire Espaly saint- Marcel

Offering three weeks of training on the Feuerstein method known as “upbraining” for 12 parents of children with Down’s syndrome or autism in order to learn how to stimulate their children in ordinary settings, in addition to improving their cognitive potential, academic level, independence and employability.


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