Caci obtains Customer Relationship CSR label

September 9 2013

Crédit Agricole Assurances’ creditor insurance subsidiary, Caci, has been awarded the French Customer Relationship CSR label (Responsabilité Sociale de la Relation Client). This label rewards good CSR practices, more particularly in the area of human resources policies concerning the people directly involved in customer care.

The Customer Relationship CSR label was introduced in 2004 at the initiative of Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Cohesion at the time. It is awarded for a three-year term by an independent body, Association Française de la Relation Client (AFRC), based on an AFNOR audit covering six areas: governance, HR practices, labour relations and dialogue with employees, sales practices and respect for the environment.

Caci is the first company in the insurance sector to obtain this label. The good practices highlighted in the audit findings include the quality of its labour relations and dialogue with staff. For Caci’s CEO, Henri Le Bihan, “this label is concrete recognition of the efforts we have all made to improve our customer care processes”.

The label was obtained as part of FReD, the corporate social responsibility policy rolled out throughout the Crédit Agricole S.A. group, giving concrete form to one of Crédit Agricole Assurances’ seven CSR commitments: enhanced human resources management.

CPCACI-Label RSE 09-09-2013