Responsible company

Crédit Agricole Assurances is committed to the Group’s approach, in line with the recommendations of the Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi)

Being a responsible company means reducing our direct carbon footprint and our energy consumption. We conduct carbon audits to assess our greenhouse gas emissions and identify the most emission-intensive activities. For what purpose? To enhance and keep rolling out our action plan to further reduce our carbon emissions and the environmental impacts of our operations. 

It also means sponsoring non-profit organisations. We are particularly active in the inclusion and environmental fields (Télémaque, Kodiko, stopIlletrisme, Plantons pour l’Avenir, etc.), carrying out sponsorship initiatives involving the provision of financial, human or material support. 

We are also committed to helping caregivers through our annual call for projects, which has been a key focus of our sponsoring policy since 2010.

Nearly fifteen years ago, Crédit Agricole Assurances pledged to adopt a sponsoring policy in support of family caregivers by financing local non-profit projects nationwide. Caregivers play a vital role in intergenerational solidarity and in enabling people who require long-term care to remain in their homes. Since 2010, Crédit Agricole Assurances has received more than 1,550 applications, thanks largely to the Regional Banks’ promotion of the operation locally. By the end of 2023, nearly 200 local projects had been financed, distributing over €2.5 million. In 2023, a “Jury’s Favourite” award enabled an association to benefit from six months’ support from a consultancy firm to help consolidate its economic model, define a three-year resource-development strategy, and develop the skills and tools required to improve its performance. In addition to the funding allocation, the other winning associations in this call for projects benefited from two days’ training in “Developing my resources and communication to support my association’s project”, organised with the support of a consultancy firm. In 2024, Crédit Agricole Assurances is committed to maintaining its support for caregivers, with a target of supporting 25,000 caregivers by 2025.

In 2023, CAA rolled out a training programme on societal issues with the aim of training 100% of employees by 2025. By the end of 2023, 92% of employees had completed their training.

A few illustrations


CAA is taking action on carbon capture and is committed to promoting biodiversity through reforestation. The aim is to plant or protect 4 million trees by 2025.

By the end of 2023, 3.3 million trees had already been planted or protected.


To encourage its employees to take action on climate change and inclusion, CAA is continuing to roll out its “J’agis” platform to promote employee involvement in public-interest missions. Since the launch of the “J’agis” programme in May 2023, more than 200 sponsorship and skills-volunteering projects have been carried out.


As part of the Crédit Agricole Group’s commitment to the SBTi, CAA has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint by 17% in the energy, fleet and business travel sectors between 2019 and 2025.


“Crédit Agricole Assurances has helped put the spotlight on the issue of caregivers since 2010, by supporting associations that develop projects for them. Our Call for Projects – a long-term initiative – gives exposure to other topics related to caregivers and stakeholders while adapting to family caregivers’ needs at regional level.”

Simon de Gardelle, Director of the Association française des aidants (French Caregivers’ Association).