Clément Michaud
Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Assurances Retraite I Head of Group Insurance at CAA
Clément Michaud has been Head of Group Insurance Business unit at CA Assurances and Chief Executive Officer of CA Assurances Retraite since September 2023.
Clément Michaud began his career in 2000 at Gemini Consulting in Paris, working on the development of multichannel banking for major French players. In 2004, he joined the Boston Consulting Group and performs assignments in the banking, asset management (CAAM) and insurance sectors. He joined AXA Group as Strategic Auditor in 2007. In 2010, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of AXA’s Damage business line and reinsurance subsidiary. From 2013 to 2017, he takes part in the development of AXA Poland, first as CFO then as interim CEO, starting in 2016. He joined the Credit Agricole Assurances Group in 2017 as Chief Financial Officer. He is a graduate of École Polytechnique and Supélec.