Marion Dewagenaere

Director of Risks and Permanent Control

Marion Dewagenaere is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique – Ingénieur des Ponts, Eaux et Forêts.
After starting her career in 2006 at the Budget Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, she was a technical advisor to the office of the Minister of Budget and then to the Prime Minister, in charge of budgetary issues. In 2012, she was appointed Head of Equity Management and Financial Communication at La Banque Postale, then joined Caisse d’Épargne Ile de France as General Secretary and member of the Executive Committee from 2013 to 2019. She then joined Allianz France in 2019 as Director of Allianz Patrimoine and Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Bank.

Since 2021, Marion has also been at the head of the “Mon Avenir”* ecosystem in charge of Savings/Retirement. One of the 6 ecosystems launched by Allianz France to anticipate the impact of technologies, new consumer behaviors and uses based on the collective intelligence of multidisciplinary teams.

*Collaborative and agile way of working based on the collective intelligence of multidisciplinary teams (actuaries, marketing specialists, salespeople, IT specialists, underwriters, customer relations specialists, etc.) gathered in the same workspace. Called “squads”, these teams, made up of about ten people, work on projects focused on the needs of current and future customers.