[Results of the 2019 caregivers initiative campaign] Young caregivers, caregivers’ health, caregivers and employment: 10 new initiatives funded
In 2019, after eight years working with organisations that provide support for caregivers, Crédit Agricole Assurances decided to focus its initiative campaign on three specific categories: young caregivers, prevention efforts geared towards caregivers’ health and caregivers and employment.
Around 100 applications have been examined this year. Ten of them have been selected by a special committee* and will together receive €150,000 in overall funding. We have supported 151 organisations since 2010, during which time we have awarded total funding of nearly €2.5 million. In addition to financial support, the people behind the winning initiatives will also receive training and assistance in areas such as fund-raising, the creation of partnerships and communication.
Thanks to the Crédit Agricole Group’s extensive network of Regional Banks, Crédit Agricole Assurances is able to provide lasting support to organisations all over France. Seven French regions are represented among the ten winners of this year’s campaign. This is also an opportunity to improve the recognition that caregivers receive in their local areas and to showcase the diversity of the initiatives that are taken to support them: support groups, action research, respite stays or digital applications; such variety makes it possible to address issues from different angles.
For instance, CIDFF (Centre d’Information sur les Droits des Femmes et des Familles – women’s rights and family rights information centre), an association that we already funded in 2018, will continue its work and further develop its support to help caregivers find employment by expanding into other rural areas. D’une Rive à l’Autre will guide and support young caregivers who are brothers or sisters to children with autism. Lastly, the Gard departmental committee for health education wants to identify the people in priority areas who act as caregivers in order to understand their needs and guide them in their access to healthcare and other assistance to which they may be entitled.
* The members of the selection committee were: Jean Pierre Aquino, gerontologist, Clémentine Cabrières, director of the French caregivers association (Association Française des Aidants), Eric Campos, CSR director at Crédit Agricole SA, Elodie Corcuff, task officer at the national solidarity fund for autonomy (Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie), Franck Guichet, sociologist, Catherine Langlois, sponsorship officer at Crédit Agricole SA, Caroline Nicaise, CSR director at Crédit Agricole Assurances and Virginie Percevaux, executive director of the Crédit Agricole Solidarity Development Foundation.
The selected associations and their initiatives:
In the caregivers and employment category:
CIDFF 67 (Centre d’Information sur les Droits des Femmes et des Familles) – 67000 Strasbourg
Providing personalised support to caregivers who are seeking employment.
Al’fa Répit – Relais des Aidants – 44530 Drefféac
Providing training to active caregivers within their company to help them open up in a work-related setting, recharge their batteries and look after their health.
In the young caregivers category:
D’une Rive à l’Autre – 33750 Saint Quentin de Baron
Providing a friendly venue where the brothers and sisters of children with autism, who may be feeling left out because of the demands the disability places on their parents, can meet and talk once or twice a month. Outings, theatre workshops and weekends away in which the parents and the young caregivers can relax together and share some time away from the disability of their loved ones.
Oustal Mariposa – 31000 Toulouse
This initiative was already supported by Crédit Agricole Assurances in 2018. It organises free “cinema-respite” breaks away for young caregivers during the school holidays, run by professionals from the cinema and animation industries. The association is also keen to set up a regional reference centre.
Handéo – 75014 Paris
Providing an awareness guide in order to better take into consideration the circumstances faced by young caregivers. The guide will be prepared based on the feedback gathered through a collaborative survey of young caregivers in order to identify the problems they face every day.
Les Funambules – 94140 Alfortville
Conducting a research programme to assess the difficulties and obstacles encountered by the siblings of young schizophrenia patients in order to develop specific and preventative support adapted to their needs.
In the caregiver healthcare category:
PSP France – 13100 Aix en Provence
Identifying caregivers affected by PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) in order to determine, better understand and assess the difficulties they face. Information and awareness tools will be developed for health workers and training courses held for doctors. Theme-based workshops and mini-guides will be prepared for caregivers.
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier – 69500 Bron
Introducing a psychoeducation mobile application (“E-bref”) for caregivers whose loved ones are being treated for psychiatric problems. The initiative will help reduce stress, make it easier to pinpoint what help is available and direct caregivers towards local support systems.
Departmental committee for health education – 30900 Nîmes
Carrying out an assessment among caregivers living in priority areas, who often encounter problems gaining access to care and benefits, on top of the usual difficulties that caregivers face. This initiative will make it possible to identify these caregivers and to determine their needs and the challenges they face, with a view to assisting them and including them in existing systems.
UDAF 49 – 49000 Angers
Creating and deploying a new health prevention tool for caregivers and raising awareness among health professionals and medical/social workers of health issues affecting caregivers.
En savoir plus : www.ca-assurances.com et @CA_Assurances