Spirica, first insurer to launch a range of private equity products

September 20 2018

Spirica, a pioneering insurer on the private equity market, is announcing the launch of a new range of products for its distributor partners.

Four products (three FCPR venture capital funds* and one “other AIF” fund**) are now available with the company’s life insurance policies:

  • FCPR Amundi Megatendances AV (Amundi) takes part in growth capital and buyout capital operations in French or European SMEs and mid-market firms, investing in five core global trends: technologies, environment, demographics, societal development and globalisation;
  • FCPR Entrepreneur et Rendement no.3 (Entrepreneur Venture) invests in debt issued by SMEs;
  • NextStage Croissance (NextStage AM) accompanies innovative, growth mid-market firms positioned around four main underlying economic trends: the economy of the value of emotions and customer knowledge, the on-demand and sharing economy, the industrial internet, and the positive or green growth economy;
  • FCPR Isatis Capital Vie & Retraite*** (Isatis Capital) funds growth SMEs in four main sectors: digital, medtech and nutrition, business services and high value-added industries.

Available from €1000, investments in these products are limited to 10% of payments into policies or their outstanding amounts for arbitrage, in accordance with the French insurance code (Code des assurances).

According to Daniel Collignon, Spirica’s CEO:

Private equity has been the best-performing asset class for the past 20 years and is a real source of diversification for investors looking for performance. Incorporating unlisted’ investments into a life insurance package offers real benefits for policyholders and makes it possible to give their savings a sense of direction and meaning again by supporting the real economy through very small businesses, SMEs and mid-market firms, while benefiting from the expertise of investment management companies.

* Fonds commun de placement à risques (venture capital mutual fund)

** Alternative investment fund (AIF)

*** Product available from November

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