Murielle de Bertier

Independent Board member I Member of the Audit and Risk Committee of CAA, CA Assurances Retraite, Pacifica and Predica

Murielle de BERTIER de SAUVIGNY, Independent Director. Murielle de Bertier de Sauvigny is a graduate of ESCP with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Master’s 2 in Philosophy. She spent four years monitoring multinational corporate clients at Citibank, followed by six years in strategy consulting at McKinsey & Co., focusing on the pharmaceutical and insurance sectors. Murielle de Bertier de Sauvigny then joined AGF Allianz, first in the Finance Department and then as a member of the AGF Executive Committee in charge of strategy, marketing and communications. In 2008, she chose to pursue personal projects, including the creation of a medical devices start-up, Carthera, and the provision of support for new or fast-growing companies and foundations.