

Find compliances informations


The following companies distributed to their customers the insurance products of CACI Non-Life dac and CACI Life dac in Denmark:

Dan Aktiv A/S
Oester Alle 56
2100 Koebenhaven

Ellos A/S
c/o Gorrissen Federspiel Kirkegaard HC
Andersen Boulevard 12,
1553 Koebenhaven

Insured Customer Claims

In order to provide an effective and efficient service for customers of Dan Aktiv A/S and Ellos A/S, we have engaged the services of local administration companies to manage claims on our behalf. Full contact details and information on how to submit a claim are reported in the insurance policies issued by CACI Non-Life dac and CACI Life dac.

For policies distributed by Dan Aktiv, claims are administered by RTM Insurance Brokers A/S, Strandvangen 42, DK – 2635 Ishoej,

Phone number +45 4353 1444, Fax number +45 4353 1447

For policies distributed by Ellos, claims are administered by Marsh AB att.: Group Section, Norra Kyrkogatan 29, S-111 22 Stockholm, Sverige,

Phone number +46 8412 42 85, Fax +46 8412 43 45.  However, in the first instance, customer claims should be notified to Ellos A/S who will arrange for a claim form to be sent to customers.

Customer Enquiries or Complaints

If the Customer is not satisfied with the service provided, he/she may submit a complaint in writing to the following address stating the customer reference number and a brief summary of his/her enquiry or complaint. 

If the complainant is not fully satisfied with the response or didn’t receive any response to his/her enquiry/complaint, he/she may submit a complaint to the Danish Insurance Complaints Board at the following address: Anker Heegaards Gade 2, 1572 Koebenhaven V, phone number +45 3315 8900 (between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.)

Communications may be conducted in English or Danish.

CACI Life dac / CACI Non-Life dac

CACI Life dac / CACI Non-Life dac

Complaints Department
Beaux Lane House
Mercer Street Lower
Dublin 2 (Ireland)



General data protection

You have rights to your personal data that is collected and processed in connection with your use of this site, its services and your requests.

These rights are:

  • Right of access, rectification and erasure of data (inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, or out of date)
  •  Right to oppose the processing of your data at any time during the course of the commercial prospection – Right to limit the processing of your data under the conditions provided by the regulations
  • Right to portability of data – Right to withdraw your consent at any time
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can exercise all these rights (by confirming your identity) by email addressed to dataprotectionofficer@ca-caci.ie or by simple mail and sent to CACI Life dac, CACI Non-Life dac Beaux Lane House, Mercer Street Lower , Dublin, D02 DH60, Ireland

To learn more about your rights, visit the Data Protection Commissioner website https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/A-guide-to-your-rights-Plain-English-Version/r/858.htm

Your personal data may be communicated to;

  • any entity of the Crédit Agricole Group for the purposes of commercial prospecting or in the case of pooling of resources or grouping of companies
  • our subcontractors for the sole needs of subcontracting
  • our partners to enable you to enjoy the benefits of these partnerships
  • or as the case may be to the administrative and judicial authorities to meet legal and regulatory obligations.

By filling out the forms or questionnaire, the User agrees, subject to the exercise of their right of opposition under the conditions defined above, that their data and any updates are communicated and processed in order to respond to requests for information.